Membership Sub-com

Mr George Kui
Membership Sub-com Chairman




1. 代表會員利益:我作為會員的代表,致力於確保會員的利益得到充分考慮和保護。聆聽會員的需求和關注,提供相應的支持和建議,並與商會其他執行委員合作,促進會員利益的實現。


2. 促進交流與合作:會員委員會通過組織各種活動和會議,為會員提供交流和合作的平台。促進會員之間的相互交流和網絡建立,業務合作和夥伴關係的形成,從而提升會員間的合作機會和商業連接。


3. 提供資訊和資源:會員委員會在商會內部和外部之間擔當著橋樑的角色,向會員提供有關行業發展、市場趨勢、政策變化等相關資訊。還協助會員獲取商業資源,如培訓、研討會、市場分析等,以提升會員的競爭力和專業知識。


4. 拓展會員基礎:在未來, 我會致力於拓展香港電子科技商會的會員基礎,吸引更多的電子科技公司、對電子科技有興趣的個人和年青人加入商會。通過推廣商會價值和優勢,開展招募活動,提高商會的知名度和影響力,從而擴大會員群體,實現更廣泛的影響力和合作機會。





As member of HKETA, you can enjoy below benefits:


  1. Enjoy lower Networking Dinner fee;
  2. The networking dinner presentations files if agreed by speakers, will be available upon on request;
  3. The Annual Event – Mini Exhibition/Member Showcase will only be opened to Corporate/ Associate members for booth exhibitors;
  4. Enjoy special offer or discount of the entrance fee for designated events (complimentary tickets for members for coming Symposium and special discount for joining HKETA Pavilion booths of exhibition);
  5. Business matching events are for members only;
  6. Welcome to all activities organised by HKETA (note: some activities will be limited to members only);
  7. Receive e-Notice on varies events from Secretariat from time to time;
  8. Company details will be published at the Annual Book;
  9. Corporate Membership has voting right at the Annual General Meeting.
  10. Corporate Membership is eligible to be elected into Executive Committee.