Mr Benny Lo
Marketing & Community Sub-com Chairman
1. Smart-Home Products: Smart-home products have been identified as a key electronics trend, with participants at the Hong Kong Electronics Fair expressing enthusiasm for this sector.
2. Hybrid Trade Platforms: The “EXHIBITION+” hybrid format, which offers a seamless experience of both face-to-face and online interactions, presents an opportunity for the industry to explore new ways of engaging with exhibitors and buyers.
3. Digital Marketing: The industry can consider leveraging digital marketing strategies to reach a wider audience through innovative marketing campaigns.
4. Niche Markets: The industry can focus on niche markets to differentiate themselves from competitors and target specific audiences.
5. Online Shopping Behaviour: With the increasing trend of online shopping, the industry can focus on improving their online presence and e-commerce sites to attract more customers.
6. Increased demand for electronic components and AI-enabled devices: Hong Kong’s exports are projected to rebound in 2024, with a 4-6% growth rate driven by increased demand for electronic components and AI-enabled devices.
Benny LO
Marketing Sub-com Chair
在AI人工智能的時代背景下,人文關懷似乎是一個將會逐漸遠去的泡影;想像和探索也許是一個曾經的空中樓閣,HKETA 一直以立身香江、心懷社區、情繫家國為己任,持續與各社福機構合作發展慈善工作;未來的一屆仍將繼續秉持此一理念。與此同時HKETA深諳時代之變遷,科技的力量已經深入影響著我們的生活和社會。因此,HKETA未來會以科技傳承的方式,讓志願者和各社福機構及其服務使用者更為有效地連接和合作,以最大程度地運用各自的資源及力量。