Theme: “AI reshape the world. From daily office work to voice diagnosis”
Date: 23 Feb 2024 (Fri)
Venue: Happiness Cuisine, 1/F Core Building 2, Science Park, Shatin, N.T.
Time: 7:00pm – 9:30pm
Dinner fee:
$320/ person (member) , $350/person (non member)
CLICK HERE for Registration!
6:45 pm Registration and networking
7:00 pm Networking sharing starts
7:35 pm Dinner starts
(1) “經驗分享: 如何選擇一間值得投資的初創 Experience sharing on how to select and invest a start-up” – by Mr Ivan Shum, Founding Chairman of Angel Investor
沈偉銓先生 Ivan 是香港著名天使投資機構,天使投資基金會(NGO)的創辦人及主席,天使投資基金(VC)的管理合伙人,其管理的基金累計投資超過50個本港初創及中小企項目,累計投資金額近1億港元。其領導的基金會每年承辦國家級創業大賽「創客中國」香港分站賽、及與香港貿易發展局合辦香港科技創價大賽、與香港青年聯會合辦的粵港澳大灣區青年創業資助計劃,為超過100個本港創業項目配對超過2億港元投資。
沈先生亦曾擔任多項社會工職,包括:深圳市港澳辦特邀專家評審、香港管理協會環球創新獎評審、香港貿易發展局創新科技咨詢小組成員、香港科技園創業培育計劃評審、香港城市大學 HKTECH300 評審及創業導師、香港青年協會督導委員會成員及創業導師等公職。
(2) “Spoofed/Deepfake Voice Detection: check for Irregularity among Muscle Movements“ – by Mr Kin Lau, Director, Wearable Electronics Limited
Mr Kin Lau:
[Abstract of Topic]
(3) “重塑未來工作:探索Microsoft 365 Copilot 的轉型之旅” – Mr Stanley Tang, Vice President, Cloud Services, Product marketing & solutions consulting, HKT
9:25 pm Dinner and networking
9:30 pm End of the event