7:00 pm
9:30 pm
SPRING Networking Dinner
新春團拜 人才滙聚
Date: 24 Feb 2023 (Fri)
Venue: Happiness Cuisine, 1/F Core Building 2, Science Park, Shatin, N.T.
Time: 7:00pm – 9:30pm
Dinner fee:
$320/ person (member) , $350/person (non member)
PLEASE CLICK HERE for Registration!
6:45 pm Registration and networking
7:00 pm Networking sharing starts
7:35 pm Dinner starts
(1) 7:00pm – A Dialogue with Grace Siu (moderated by Mr. Derek Lee)
[Bio of Ms. Grace Siu, HKUST]
Career Advisor & Employability Skills Trainer (Career Center)
Honoree of Hong Kong Living Influencer Award 2020
Grace is the Lead Instructor of many of the extremely popular career development programs at HKUST. Her passion is helping and inspiring students to discover and become who they are. Born, raised and educated in Hong Kong, Grace began her career as an Executive Trainee with Li & Fung, then progressed to Senior Human Resources Manager and later to the Head of Operations of a container terminal in Mainland China with Hutchison Port Group before joining HKUST in 2012.
(2) 7:20pm “善用線上活動技術,提升徵才效益 ” – by Mr. Du, Senior Product Manager of WiseSpot Company Limited
近年香港勞動人口出現負增長,近7成受訪企業表示現時請人比5年前更困難,「搶人才」時代已然來臨,且招聘不再局限「本地 Talent Pool」。在疫情的催化作用下,求職者的工作模式及求職心態發生改變,需要僱主在制定招聘策略時給予考量。尤其針對年輕人的招聘活動,疫後仍維持「網上」或「混合式」。如何利用科技提升年輕人才對于徵才活動的參與度?
[Bio of Mr Du]:杜志遠先生,WiseSpot高級產品經理,在快消、IT及業務數字化轉型領域擁有超過10年工作經驗,同時擁有香港大學電子商貿及互聯網工程碩士學位。
(3) 7:40pm – Sharing from IFF2023 Chairman, Stapler Li
9:25 pm Dinner and networking
9:30 pm End of the event