7:00 pm
9:30 pm
Theme: “From Earth to Orbit: AI-Powered Telemedicine and Space Data Solutions”
科技創新 – 太空與醫療AI的探索,切勿錯過!
Date: 27 Oct 2023 (Fri)
Venue: Happiness Cuisine, 1/F Core Building 2, Science Park, Shatin, N.T.
Time: 7:00pm – 9:30pm
Dinner fee:
$320/ person (member) , $350/person (non member)
Please CLICK HERE for registration!
6:45 pm Registration and networking
7:00 pm Networking sharing starts
7:35 pm Dinner starts
(1) 7:00pm – “Computing and Data Centers in Space”
– by Dr Stephen Cheung, PhD, Hon Chief Scientist, OASA
(2) 7:20pm – “AI for Telemedical Diagnosis”
– by Mr Raymond Chiu, First Executive Chairman, Hong Kong Federation of Invention & Innovation
9:25 pm Dinner and networking
9:30 pm End of the event